Sarkar Youth Education Council


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Magnified Healing

What is the difference between Magnified Healing and other healing methods?

In Reiki healing, the universal life force passes through the body to become a single conduit. However in magnified healing, the universal energy is not a separate entity, here the focus is on becoming the universal energy itself.
Hence, this is a unique and special kind of healing. The energy is magnified to an intensity where you can feel the energy flowing.

Magnified Healing is an extended form of healing methods and hence, there are more similarities rather than differences between magnified and other healing techniques.

How to do Magnified Healing?

There Are 4 Steps In This Healing Process

  1. Balancing the nervous system
  2. Working with the spine
  3. Releasing the waste energies
  4. Building your graceful body

Similar to Reiki, the energy of magnified healing ensures that the problems residing at a deeper emotional and mental level vanish.

It is a gentle yet, very powerful energy. The nature of this power is feminine. Similar to Pranic healing, the practitioners start re-energizing the chakras of the clients without touching them. The energies flow from one hand to the other and pass on to their clients. The practitioners start the healing process from the receiver’s head and gradually move down to the feet until the entire body receives magnified healing.

The Receivers Of This Energy Feel The Following

  • Peaceful
  • Content
  • Linked to the ultimate energy
  • Happy
  • Stress-free

Benefits of Magnified Healing

  • Develops intuitive skills
  • Increased awareness
  • Enhances creativity
  • Better mental and emotional stability
  • Promotes restfulness and sleep
  • Reduces pain and body ache
  • Helps to remove phobias and fears
  • Heals diseases
  • Eliminates stress and anxiety
  • Better connection with one’s own energy

At last, there are several voices from inside, which commands you. It may be negative or positive. A person becomes confused in listening to them, as to whether which voice weighs you down and which one wants to lift you up.