7 Day Beginer Course in Yoga and Meditation
We are offering a residential 7 Day Beginner course in Yoga and Meditation in the tranquil region of Nabadwip, the world home of yoga. It is a perfect opportunity to renew your meditation practice or just enjoy a peaceful retreat with daily yoga and meditation classes accompanied by delicious, fresh vegetarian Indian food in a spiritual and uplifting environment.
You will be able to deepen your awareness, learn how to balance your emotions, and create an inner sanctuary by attending classes in the following practices:
- Posture (Asana)
- Breathing (Pranayama)
- Relaxation (Yoga Nidra)
- Mantra (chanting, healing, and bringing your attention into the present)
- Kundalini Kriyas (a practice that creates awareness and balance in the energy centers)
- Nada yoga (a practice of tuning your awareness through sound and vibration to make the mind meditative)
- Meditation
- Yoga philosophy and its application in your daily life
- On Sunday, participants will have the opportunity to visit local sights that are included as part of the program.
To Register
- Email a copy of your flight details, passport, and visa to the following email addresses & website: (informsyec@gmail.com or www.syec.in ).
- (No previous experience in yoga or meditation is required)